Why do we need The Reconnection?

To regain our true potential and to proceed in our evolution as it originally was intended.

“What science doesn’t teach – at least not yet – is that at one time we may have had 12 strands of DNA encoding that much more information! … Reconnecting strands`implies that rather than continuing to evolve forward in a near-linear fashion, the human race will benefit by simultaneously reaching back in time and bringing forward certain aspects from when we were a more complete people .

That`s part of what`s happening now with The Reconnection. We are reconnecting with who we once were”. The Reconnection – Heal Others Heal Yourself, Dr. Eric Pearl, page 92

he Reconnection is an accelerated exchange of the Energy, Light & Information® found in the Reconnective Healing frequencies. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, facilitated in a two-session process, that ties us back into a timeless system of intelligence. And it will often throw us onto our life course, maybe even faster than we had had in mind, from www.thereconnection.com/faqs

Anna Christine

