The Difference of Reconnective Healing and Energy Healing

The following is from the most informative article by Tom Meyers about the research of the scientists Dr. William Tiller, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Dr. Gary Schwarz and Dr. J. J. Hurtak.

RECONNECT YOURSELF – Become who you were born to be

“…. He explained that although the energy healing techniques we know of today utilize electromagnetic energy, Reconnective Healing brings us up “to a higher level …. magneto electric energy”, up to a “higher dimensional level.” …..

…..Dr. Tiller’s studies also demonstrate that this new continuum of healing frequencies impressively and conclusively increases what science calls “excess free thermodynamic energy”, something released or produced, to a small degree, with energy healing.

Dr. Tiller explained that there was such an increase of excess free thermodynamic energy in the Reconnective Healing seminar room that, if this were simply the energy we find in “energy healing” or energy healing “techniques”, the temperature of the room would have had to have increased by 300 degrees centigrade (!) to attain healing results even close to this. With Reconnective Healing, while the actual room temperature does not change, the amount of energy, light and information charging the room does, palpably and dramatically. …” more on

Be fasctinated,

Anna Christine

