Reconnective Healing® is for many the answer to anxiety, sleep problems, concussion, whiplash, stress, depression, monkey mind, aches and pains, panic attacks, grief, PTSD, lack of energy,ADD, brain-fog, strengthening the immune system, or poor balance.
Anna Christine is guided by the Divine life force. Intelligent Quantum Energy Healing would be a more precise name for Reconnective Healing® – It is seen as the leader in the field of Information Medicine. It uses a larger spectrum of healing frequencies than all energy healing techniques known today. Additional to Energy the much higher frequencies of Light and Information are used.
Therefore Reconnective Healing® is able to regenerate, rejuvenate, restructure DNA, and to upgrade the brain. It balances us on an emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical level – also Chakras, Meridians, and Aura.
Some of the Benefits-additional to healing – are:
- — Being calm and more at peace – Stress is lifting
- — Better focus – memory – .mental clarity – brain fog is gone
- — Ability to respond instead of reacting
- — Improves family life, relationships, and work place
- — Our emotions are more balanced
- — We might get more insight about our purpose in life
- — We make better decisions in difficult life situations
- — Better Sleep – more energy – higher vitality, improved libido
- — Positive effects on career and abundance
Anna Christine is not making any claims, guarantees, and promises. In one European country Reconnective Healing® is part of the Health Care System.. In some countries it is used in hospitals. .
Research with Olympic athletes in Russia (2011) showed enhanced physical and mental performance, interesting effects on the blood , and even rapid healing of a leg fracture. book: ‘Science confirms Reconnective Healing’, Dr. K. Korotkov.
Anna Christine’s clients have reported: additional to the disappearance of physical symptoms like pain, extreme lack of energy gone, improvement of problems caused by concussion, lifting of stress, better balance, prostrate problems gone, lifting of guilt and shame, childhood trauma released, headaches gone, chronic fatigue gone, release of long held fear, a change in eating habits, release of aches, toes straightened out without surgery, release of anxiety and panic attacks, change of addictive behaviour to the better, calmness, ability to respond instead of reacting, greater clarity about troublesome life situations, more customers in business, improved relationships, and a more harmonious life. Healings tend to last for a life time.
The Reconnection – Interview with Dr. Eric Pearl by Corinne de Haas for WellnezzT
“Reconnective Healing appears to be a new level of healing – a new form that’s here on the planet for the very first time, according to a lot of the researchers. It is apparently so comprehensive, so broad and all inclusive that once you begin to interact with these new healing frequencies you are automatically interacting with all the energy frequencies we’ve ever known of up until now… because it’s more than energy, it includes energy and then expands beyond it, into light and information. The researchers tend to feel that this is the first time that we have had access to this expansive level of healing here on earth.” Dr. Eric Pearl.
What to expect during a session: You remain fully clothed, lying on your back on a massage table. covered with a blanket. The practitioner’s hands do mostof the time not touch the body. Relax, close your eyes and think of something beautiful or simply observe what occurs in your body. The best way to allow for a healing to happen is to be in a state of open expectancy, without any focus on the area of concern and/or attachment to the outcome. A healing session takes about 45 minutes plus time for a debrief after the session.
“If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you have not even dreamed of – one that the Universe specifically has in mind for you.”, Dr. Eric Pearl
Reconnective Healing®
Distant Reconnective Healing Sessions
Animal Sessions
Session Fee $ 90
A minimum of three sessions are recommended (250$ when paid in advance)
Plus travel costs if necessary.
The Personal Reconnection:
The all inclusive fee for the two sessions is $333.00 (cash or check)
Distance Sessions are not possible.