How to Drop Negative Thoughts

More and more have difficulties to stop their constant thinking – mostly about negative things caused by grief, worries, fears and anger. How can one stop these negative thoughts?  There are many recommendations on the internet.  The easiest seems to be Reconnective Healing®.

Here is a recent testimonial that shows how many things are improved after Reconnective Healing® sessions: excess baggage disappears, being gentler with oneself,  more energy, muscles stronger, and dropping negative thoughts faster.

“Nothing outward yet but definitely feeling a greater inner peace about et. Thank you for your efforts Anna – I am very grateful to have people I can count on and trust in my life! You are a very special person. I will email any updates. 

As for my session, I believe a lot of excess baggage must have disappeared as I feel lighter and find I am gentler with myself. I am able to drop negative thoughts faster. As for physically, it was a slow 3 days after and I needed a lot of sleep. My knees were doing something? Now they have calmed down and my energy seems to be improved plus back muscles seem stronger. So definitely a positive move forward!!!”  Candace P., November 2019
Reconnective Healing® is as distant healing  as effective as a session done in person. To find a practitioner in your area check Dr. Eric Pearl’s website … there is a directory.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™