The Divine Power Helps and Heals

The Divine power helps and heals when we let go of our mind. This means when we do not decide what needs to be done – in our daily life and also as a healer. It can be difficult to let go of own ideas and to trust totally in the  higher power – in the Divine power.

As a Reconnective Healing®  Practitioner we have to do this . I also have to do that in Brain Rejuvenation -the Spiritual Gift of Healing that I received 1998.

This can happen when we have reached a higher level of consciousness, when we have connected with our overself.  What had happened to me is explained in The Book of Knowledge-The ‘Keys of Enoch®’, Dr. J.J.Hurtak, chapter 314. 61. Some individuals will receive an additional high frequency resonance transmission. … 62, This explains how paranormal gifts (like healing)  can be received…”.

Ana Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

PS.: The Divine Power also helps and heals during Remote Healing Sessions.
