For this time inner peace, love and happiness are so important. Therefore::
“Hold the vision of vast cities of light springing up all over the world where peace and love reign supreme. Never at anyt ime lose the vision because it is by holding the vision firmly and clearly ever before you that you help to bring it down from the etheric, and see these wonders manifest on the earth plane for all to behold. The clearer the vision, the quicker will it be manifested. Give constant thanks that your eyes have been opened and that you know what to do..
Now go ahead and do it, and stop thinking about it!”
This is out of the book ‘Opening Doors Within’ . from Eileen Caddy. one of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation in Schottland.
The more are holding a vision of peace, love and happiness, the faster the change will happen.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™