Distant Energy Healing for Animals

What I love most about Distant Energy Healing sessions for animals is the universal intelligence, also called Divine intelligence, knows what needs to be done.  It is mysterious but it helps.

Animals cannot say  what is wrong. Sometimes they limp, stop eating, or they miau constantly  …. but what needs to be done … where is help needed?

Animals need also only one or two Reconnective Healing® Sessions. It does not matter if it is done in person or as distant energy healing.

And what to do when  a Veterinarian is not close by.  Then the Distant Reconnective Healing® Session is a great solution. One could also call it Intelligent Quantum Healing.

Photos are not needed, only the name of the animal and the location. I have to admit I love photos because it helps to visualise my  animal client. Furthest away was a cat in new Zealand.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
Energy All Around  Healing
