How to Find Inner Peace

Finding inner peace is especially important during the time we are living in right now.
Expecting that many things will be revealed to mankind a state of inner peace will  be of tremendous help.

Since 2007 I am a Reconnective Healing Practitioner. About a year later I realized one morning that nothing was happening in my head. No thoughts. Stillness. Absolut peace.

For a few seconds I worried. Thinking it is caused by a concussion I had 2005 during a car accident.
Then I realized  this stillness of the mind was the result of  Reconnective Healing® Sessions I had received..

Actually this. is what so many try to reach with their daily meditation. I have to admit meditating is not my thing and I had done it only a few times.

Since that morning I can sit at any time without a monkey mind. I am always in the NOW.

Their first words of most of my clients after a Reconnective Healing® Session are nearly always  ”I am so much at peace” 

Being alone in nature is another way to reach this inner peace. Walking together with a friend  is not the same. Going around the block  has also no calming effect. One has to be surrounded by nature. Forest, meadows, beach… and one has to be alone.

Inner Peace is a very high level of consciousness.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: Important during Covid time.  I am offering only Distant Reconnective Healing Sessions  – which are  as effective –
