The Divine power helps and heals when we let go of our mind. This means when we do not decide what needs to be done – in our daily life and also as a healer. It can be difficult to let go of own ideas and to trust totally in the higher power – in the Divine power.
As a Reconnective Healing® Practitioner we have to do this . I also have to do that in Brain Rejuvenation -the Spiritual Gift of Healing that I received 1998.
This can happen when we have reached a higher level of consciousness, when we have connected with our overself. What had happened to me is explained in The Book of Knowledge-The ‘Keys of Enoch®’, Dr. J.J.Hurtak, chapter 314. 61. Some individuals will receive an additional high frequency resonance transmission. … 62, This explains how paranormal gifts (like healing) can be received…”.
Ana Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: The Divine Power also helps and heals during Remote Healing Sessions.