Why am I Dizzy?

There can be various reasons why one is dizzy.  Often, I believe,   the Chi-flow is imbalanced because of a blockage caused by stress or an injury.  Thinking of a recent testimonial of a client who received a distant (remote) Reconnective Healing Session it might be faster and cheaper to see a holistic practitioner first.

In case a balanced Chi/Photon/life force/Prana  flow does not correct the dizziness then one needs to see  a medical doctor to get help.

Twenty five years ago, after a flight to Berlin, I was in the morning  unable turn my head without dizziness. The doctor prescribed something to stimulate my metabolism. That was the only time in my life to experience dizziness  and perhaps enough sleep would have fixed the problem.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner
