Adreanal Fatigue – Distant Energy Healing

Living far away from my family I am very grateful to be able to help with Distant Reconnective Healing@ when one of them shows signs of  tiredness and constant fatigue, which might be Adrenal Fatigue. This is most likely caused by the all surrounding WiFi. Distant Reconnective Healing@ is a form of Distant Energy Healing. The  difference is the frequency spectrum used in Reconnective Healing@ is much wider than  that used in distant energy healing techniques.
This surprised the quantum physicists a lot.

Dr. Bob Martin said many years ago on  the radio that Chronic Fatigue is an adrenal exhaustion … probably the endstage of adrenal fatigue.. The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitted by routers, mobile phones, smart meters, GPS, fitness trackers, cell towers, all antennas that are on roofs to make wireless communication passible stress constantly our body.

Most need an alarm clock to wake up, jawn already in the morning, have brain fog, a poor memory,  are constantly tired and  adults  ofteen have a low sex drive.  This is all caused by WiFi. All communication tools that operate without a wire/landline are communicating wireless.  On my website you will find more..

Constant tiredness and adrenal fatigue  also affect our immune system. People are often sick, are longer sick, and this also in summer.The body  has not enough vital life force to operate properly.  The adrenals only take over when the energy resources of our body are depleeted.  This is thte reason that I am happy to be a certified Reconnective Healing@ Practitioner and can  help  with Distant Energy Healing my family who lives on another continent..

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
certified Reconnection Practitioner™