Healing with Light and Information – Reconnective Healing

What is healing? Dr. Eric Pearl said in a tele-seminar it is about “remembering who we are. When we fall away from optimum health … it means in essence we have temporarely forgotten who we are – we have forgotten that we are light“.
Fritz Popp, Germany, discovered years ago that the DNA emits light and that all our cells are surrounded by a halo of light. When we are healthy the halo is bright and strong … it begins to dim when our health deteriorates. When we have for example a serious disease the light around our cells has dimmed a lot.  To recover the cells/DNA need light … The Reconnective Healing practitioner is a catalyst for Light – Information – Energy..
The communication between our cells happens through this light. The more light the DNA emits the larger the halo around the cells and  the better the cells can communicate.
Eric Pearl: “Our bodies do not heal through chemicals ….  they heal through energy, light, vibration, frequencies …  the light allows for the communication between the cells to happen instantly throughout the body.Therefore Chakren, Meridians and the whole Chi-flow get balanced
The frequencies carry information.- Advanced Medicine heals with information.- this is the medicine of this century.
Anna Christine