Raising Your Healing Frequencies

Energy healing practitioners want their healing frequencies as high  and effective as possible . Yes, we can use the Solfeggio Frequencies 432 Hz and 528 Hz to raise our healing frequencies, but there is  also The Persomal Reconnection that achieves much more than raising our healing frequencies.

Many practitioners have reported an increase in their ability to channel healing frequencies after their Personal Reconnection. Therefore The  Personal Reconnection® is highly recommended for people who practice any form of energy healing.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™
PS.: The Personal Reconnection can only be done in person.  When you are not close to  Nanaimo,Vancouver Island, go to the website from Dr. Eric Pearl www.thereconnection.com  to find in the directory who is close to where you live.