Chakra Balancing – Reconnective Healing

Chakra balancing is so powerful because  they impact the organs and the endocrine system. Each Chakra is connected to one gland of the endocrine system. It also balances our emotions.

In Chinese Medicine the organs are also related to emotions. For example the liver to anger – the stomach to worry – the kidneys to fear/anxiety – the lungs to grief – the heart to joy – the large intestines to ‘letting go’ – spleen/pancreas to nurtering.

When we want to be healthy the Chakras need to be in harmony and balanced.

One could say the balancing of Chakras, Aura,  and Meridians  is a by-product of Reconnective Healing.

It   is very different from energy healing. The practitioner is a Kathalyst for frequencies that go beyond the 4th dimension. The hands are listening and know what needs to be done. The practitioner’s mind and ego are never involved – but the heart has to be ‘open’.

It happened during a Health Fair, that somebody got a 20 min Reconnective Healing session. I did not know that she went after to somebody who was balancing Chakras. Later she came back to me and told me obviously surprised  that all her Chakras had been perfectly balanced and there was nothing to do.  I was laughing because I could have told her that – but the confirmation was nice.

It is strange, because a doctor gives a separate pill for every health problem the clients  are thinking  they need different sessions for  Chakra balancing, to relief stress, to relief anxiety, to get rid o pain, to relief grief,  to balance one specific meridian and so on  … they can’t believe that there is something that addresses the root cause.

Anna Christine
Certified Practitioner
PS.: The best of all is this also happens during distant Reconnective Healing – the client does not have to come to Nanaimo