Phantom Pain – Can Reconnective Healing® help?

Today, May 19th, 2014 they talked at 6.15 pm at the CBC about Oxycodone.

A man who got one of his legs amputated after a car accident said that only Oxycodone is helping him.

I had to think of the German Anesthesist who was called to a man who suffered from phantom pain. She gave him a Reconnective Healing® session instead of any pain medication  and to the surprise of everybody the phantom pain was gone.

This report is on one of my CDs from Dr. Eric Pearl, who is teaching since  more than 15 years worldwide Reconnetive Healing®

Why are not doctors recommending this alternative healing modality?

 Three years ago 600 doctors came in Serbia to the Reconnective Healing Seminar, because one is intending to make it part of the medical training.

One can find practitioners on the website from Dr. Eric Pearl, 

Anna Christine
certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner®
PS.: Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are possible.