How to Overcome Stress, Anxiety, Worries, Anger?

When I came back from Europe one of my clients was totally excited and surprised that all her emotional problems like anxiety and worries were gone after 3 Reconnective Healing® sessions and The Reconnection® (2 specific sessions) she had received before my departure.

What surprised her the most was, that she had tried to overcome her worries and anxiety with another well known healing modality – but without success.

She even went to three more sessions because she did not want to cancel and disappoint the other practitioner … being there she could not come up with anything that bothered her. She was emotionally totally balanced.

The healing modality she had tried without success was actually one that had interested me because there are still people who do not understand or trust in Reconnective Healing® and like to learn something that they can do themselves.

Anna Christine 

PS.: Reconnective Healing can also be done in Distant Reconnective Healing Sessions (like distant Energy Healing)
The Reconnection can only be received in person.