Is Jogging Harmful for my Knees? – Reconnective Healing®

During a recent fundraising Health Fair where I gave 20 min Reconnective Healing® sessions one woman was mostly interested in the balancing of her Chakras. The Reconnective Healing  practitioner is guided how to move the hands but NOT treating  symptoms. The body/Creator decides what needs healing. It is an off body form of Frequency (light-information-energy) healing.

My hands had to go again and again over her knees. I wondered whether she was jogging. After the 20 minutes were over and the Chakras also balanced I asked her … and she answered “Yes, and tomorrow I am participating in a Triathlon.” The woman was medium sized, very slim, in excellent shape and had no complaints about her knees … but during this short session it became clear the Chi was not flowing properly in the knees.

When the energy flow in the knee is impeded for too long we may get all kinds of knee problems … like shrinking of the cartilage and also Arthritis. Another woman came later, the same happened and she was also a jogger.

Therefore I can only advice  joggers to see at least once a year a competent holistic health practitioner who can balance the Chi flow.

Anna Christine
Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner