Letting go of Negative Thoughts

Letting go of negative thoughts and other mental imbalances is difficult. Not everybody likes for example to meditate or knows how to live in the Now..

With Reconnective Healing® sessions  it is so much easier. My client Frances P. wrote after her  second session,  two weeks after the first one,  the following:

“As for my session, I believe a lot of excess baggage must have disappeared as I feel lighter and find I am gentler with myself. I am able to drop negative thoughts faster. As for physically, it was a slow 3 days after and I needed a lot of sleep. My knees were doing something? Now they have calmed down and my only energy seems to be improved plus back muscles seem stronger. So definitely a positive move forward!!!” 

AND … with Reconnective Healing® so many things we not even expect improve and it is additionally possible to let go of all negative thoughts faster. Most recommendations given refer to one problem only.

Distant Energy Healing® sessions are as effective as the ones done in person.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Reconnective Healing® practitioner
