Emotional Balance-What Does it Mean?

The term emotionaL balance is often used.  Describing Reconnective Healing® one uses also the term`ìt brings us back into emotional, mental and spiritual balance and wholeness`... but what has to happen in the body to be  again in balance?

Often it is said:  èmotional balance is the ability  to stay calm, knowing what to do,  in the face of a challenge. … but what has to happen in the body?

According to Chinese Medicine we have twelve organ meridians. These meridians are connected to specific emotions.  For example: fear is connecte to the kidney meridian, anger to the liver meridian, and worry to the stomach meridian.  Meridians are energy channels in our body. The Chi/energy flows in these meridians.  Accidents, emotions, wrong posture, wrong nutrition, and surgery  may have an effect on these meridians.

In  JinShinDo®Acupressure or Acupuncture and other energy healing techniques  the preactitioner decides what to do.

In Reconnective Healing® the Universal Consciousness/God/Creator/and also the body decide what needs to be brought back into balance and in which order it has to happen.

When the Chi/energy-flow in the meridians is back into balance we are again in amotional, mental, and spiritual balance and the body can heal itself.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™