Root Cause of Health Problems

Trauma or emotional injuries harm the soul. Most of the time this is the root cause  of health problems.  The time period of these experiences can  vary. We ate all different. One person is traumatized by one incident and another  one not.  Long time periods of trauma and/or emotional injury will always bring us out of balance.

Often it takes decades until the symptom appears.  In the book ‘WHEN THE BODY SAYS NO’ From Gabor Mate, M.D.  is the proof that this is true.

Dr. Mate starts with the story of Mary who later dies of several health problems caused by   constant trauma she experienced in childhood.

Reading this I wondered could she been  helped with Reconnective Healing sessions earlier in her life?

Thirty years ago I had a friend  in Germany who had from to time to time Acupuncture to balance her body and mind  Reconnective Healing sessions do the same and bring additional the soul into balance

It is important to have a healthy body. This makes us independent during difficult life situations, as more and more experience them during this time period.

This is something to reflect upon.


Anna Christine Doehring, RJFP, RCP

Nanaimo, Vancouver Island





