Excerpts from the book: ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life’, by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov


The following article was published in the magazine EAGLEye ONE, issue 80, 2013/2014

SOLOMON SpeaksAn Extra-Dimensional Intelligence on Healing ~ World Harmony ~ Consciousness ~ Our Existence
“You are part of a greater plan. It is going to unveil itself in the immediate future. It is of great urgency.
Do not fear the power. It is a source of greatness. It is
here for ages and always will be. It is being revealed
because it is necessary at this time to avoid further
catastrophes to come.” *1
This quote is from the book ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting
your Life’, by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov.
At this specific time on the planet, when many people have
endless unanswered questions, the timing of this book
is perfect. It actually confirms what many Reconnective
Healing® practitioners always suspected. and is the reason
that Dr. Eric Pearl gives Reconnective Healing® seminars
and interviews 42-45 weeks of the year.
At a certain point in Eric Pearl’s career as a chiropractic
doctor, his patients experienced very different, yet quite
dramatic healings. Through one of his patients, Fred Ponzlov,
Solomon started to speak the following six sentences
1. We are here to tell you to continue what you are doing.
2. What you are doing is bringing light and information
to the planet.
3. What you are doing is reconnecting strings.
4. What you are doing is reconnecting strands.
5. You must see/know that you are a master.
6. We have come because of your reputation.*2
To further support the truth of the message, over 50
other patients became temporally unconscious and a spirit
was saying the same 6 sentences during a time period of
three months. Obviously the spirit world wanted to make
it clear that something significant was going on.
Eric Pearl then began to periodically go to Fred to
ask Solomon the questions he had about this new form
of healing and also about our existence. This new book
is the account of Solomon’s answers that came forward.
To ensure there is no further confusion about the
terminology, these definitions should be clarified.
Reconnective Healing® is a new level of healing that
encompasses all forms of energy healing and more. The
Reconnection® is about our evolution, reconnecting us
to our original blueprint – the Adam Kadmon – because
over time humanity became disconnected.
Eric Pearl came to the planet with a higher level of
abilities, intent to serve humanity and to help increase their
vibrational level. “You are here now to understand a new
type of energy to come. It is going to carry you through
a period of great energetic significance… It is here now
to involve those who have a purpose to obtain world
harmony in this time.” *3
World harmony IS possible, however it does require
humans to be operating at a higher vibrational level. This
higher state of consciousness is necessary to reduce the
level of catastrophes on the planet. “Earthquakes … They
are really a manifestation of changes happening in every
single one of us.” *4
Knowing this, the obvious question is asked. Why are
so many people constantly talking themselves out of what
they have seen in seminars and also experience in their own
energy healing? “They will come to it if they need to come
to it. And they will…You are way ahead of the game.” *5
“Removing the blinders, for many, will come very fast. It is
going to happen.*6 “Your life is of great purpose now.” *7
I believe this is true.
I feel the excitement because, the more people there are
intentionally resonating at high vibrational levels together,
the faster and easier our evolution will progress.

Anna Christine
Certified Prxctitioner

