Reconnective Healing® Balances also Meridians

Anna Christine wrote in her last post that Reconnective Healing® is balancing all body systems that need balancing, also emotions, mind, spirit, Chakras, Meridians, Chi-flow, and Aura.

The following testimonial proves the effect of Reconnective Healing® on Meridians and the Chi-flow, in this case the Liver-Meridian.

Translation from German into English:
Toe Pain – Pain when Walking
Reconnective Healing® and also distant Reconnective Healing®

Dear Christine,
I want to say thank you and how grateful I am that I can, really, walk again without pain.
You gave me the first session at June 22, 2012. My big toe was bend a lot to the right, and rubbed at the second toe so much that both toes were bleeding and were inflamed, and I could hardly walk. The pain was intense.
The Orthopedic Doctor said this can be only corrected with surgery. The big toe has to be straightened.
After your first session I had a feeling of warmth and tingling in my toe tips.
After the second session two days later at June the 24th, 2012 the unbearable pain that I had also during the night was totally gone.
Two distant sessions followed and it is like a miracle. The toe that was once bent is straight, does not hurt anymore and I can again walk and run like a young girl.
Since three months I am fine and have no complaints.
Thanks dear Christine, your sessions are the best present in my life.
Your Sigrid, Berlin

Anna Christine
Certified Practitioner
